"My name is Arlan. I'm a 37-year old Black woman from Texas, based in LA. Four years ago, I was on food stamps. Tod… https://t.co/QUnaHRi0SB
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
The rumors are true. Today at #USOW2018 I announced that my venture capital firm @Backstage_Cap has launched a $36m… https://t.co/MNqTmeaX0b
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Is this real life? I’m the October COVER of @FastCompany! Also the first Black woman who isn’t an entertainer/athle… https://t.co/JUW6kL0LvT
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
The first time I held a copy of my @FastCompany was just 2 days ago. Id been keeping it together, but once I saw it… https://t.co/bKP7LOjMGy
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Recording my debut album, “I don’t work here.” Featuring the hit singles, “Yes, I do have a ticket. I’m the keynote… https://t.co/cJq2NTpWBV
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I’m going to receive a few thousand $ in Feb from the (modest) estate of my late father. I’d like to use $5,000 of… https://t.co/9zkhZVQGvA
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
3 years ago I slept in a rental car w/my mom to attend SXSW, looking for investors for a fund that didn’t yet exist… https://t.co/el0QDvGt0M
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
“Over her 23-year career, Serena Williams has never tested positive for any illegal substance despite being tested… https://t.co/ZP3fAbLWYX
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Black people don’t need anyone’s permission to start a company, to learn to code, to read and drink from the same c… https://t.co/KGrh5VRnMA
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Sincere shoutout to anyone who couldn’t afford Xmas gifts this year. It’s ok and you’re enough. Real talk.
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Yesterday I showed a journalist the part of the SFO airport I used to “sleep” in part of the time when I was homele… https://t.co/MyVc18hmCY
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
They said it couldn’t be done... It is my great honor to announce that the venture capital fund I launched in 2015… https://t.co/Z5EIebXu4Q
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I started asking for what I’m worth, and accepting nothing less. A funny thing happened: I started getting it. Yo… https://t.co/KIrKQw465s
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I’m super concerned with how many voice-activated things have a woman’s voice. We’re basically telling artificially… https://t.co/Y93BMHYHwB
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Most investors and corporations are still treating founders, employees and vendors who are women and people of colo… https://t.co/AbrRKQmooZ
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
1/I’ve got something I HAVE to say: If you want to attract money, and you don’t have money, you have to BE money.
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
This Saturday will mark a full year alcohol-free after having an addiction to it for 15 years😎 https://t.co/RD7SEhV3Z7
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
In 2015, I was told consistently: “There aren’t enough women & people of color building quality startups. Plus, yo… https://t.co/CYwlGOFCzG
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
👋🏾 Pick one goal you have right now that you’ve been thinking about for weeks/months/years but have not gotten very… https://t.co/SnUWuMGPOl
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I was on food stamps just 4 years ago. I’ve slept in cars and on airport floors nights in a row, walked around Holl… https://t.co/N1VAe0EWih
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I was recently asked to judge a pitch competition. Once I got there, I realized I was the only Black woman judging.… https://t.co/brN9zotrKb
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I’m feeling a bit low today. Hoping to break out of the feeling soon. But wanted to mention it bc, let’s be honest:… https://t.co/XQxQFHJ0Ed
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
We don’t have Imposter Syndrome. We have Impos...sible to Live Up to These Double-Standard-Ass Measures of Success… https://t.co/jpHXqt75fF
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Many years ago, a “friend” told me that I didn’t dress well enough to even sit in the *lobby* of a certain hotel in… https://t.co/uYqqnLpu08
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Me seeing the physical copy of @FastCompany for the first time yesterday... https://t.co/SGswdilaZx
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I get asked often about key takeaways from the past 3 yrs. Here are a few: - keep it real - trust my instincts -… https://t.co/zgkA1iaFSf
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
THIS artistic protest. Simple, respectful and true. https://t.co/VxJVjzQdcp
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I’m giving a virtual hug to anyone who is being triggered like crazy right now. I know I am. You’re ok. We’re ok.
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
If you're a guy and are a founder of a startup that is taking off and has a competitive round, one act of feminism… https://t.co/Nm6Rq9smdx
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
If trying to understand sharing your inherent privilege, think: when someone shorter than you needs to see the stag… https://t.co/KpfEOsE5cm
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
This *angry Black woman* narrative that is already making its way into tomorrow’s headlines is literally making my… https://t.co/xs4a33q88f
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
Hey guys, I’ve put together some guidelines for when you’re wanting to correct a woman on Twitter and get it right. 1. Don’t.
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
If you can teach yourself to enjoy your own company, and to enjoy the sound of silence for extended periods of time… https://t.co/Hr03XRA6qn
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
My Lyft driver just said to me 30 seconds in, “The hotel: was it your choice or your company’s?” I said, “Why does… https://t.co/6srcizx4sa
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
I’m thinking of having a complete blackout of any panels or firesides that are about “diversity&inclusion” in 2019.… https://t.co/kV9k0v3BbL
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
The b-side to the first single is “Ma’am, I am a venture capitalist and a lesbian. I am not interest in your purse.”
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
8/Last thing... When Beyonce says “let’s get in formation,” she’s also saying “let’s get information.” Ok, I gotta catch this flight🛫
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)
They're calling it a "diversity fund." I'm calling it an IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME fund.
— arlanwashere (@arlanwashere)