From the series of "logos I wish I'd done myself". This is one of them. Sony Vaio.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Without exception, all my teachers from school always told me I will never find a job with my grades and work ethic…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
This is pretty cool — The Motion Periodic Table →
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
I like to describe myself as an extroverted introvert. I can temporarily be extroverted for about 45mins and then I…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
FINALLY! After a couple weeks working on these, I've finished the Jordan 1 x NASA customs. A concept shoe. A what i…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
You can be the most successful designer (by any measure), even if no one has heard your name, you've never won an a…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Every designer who starts a new job at a company should work in their customer support team for one month. Best on-boarding you can get.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
🇺🇸 American to 🇩🇪 German translation: Amazing = Okay Awesome = Good Brilliant = Very Good Stunning = Good Astonish…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
The state of "UX Design" "See less often" "Hide this forever" "Remind me tomorrow" "Block notifications" "Stop sho…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Mindblowing construction image of the new Beijing skyscraper which is currently being built by Zaha Hadid Architect…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
The majority of UX design nowadays has been templatized. Where we need more designers is in conceptional thinking…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Tired at 11am Useless at 2pm Hungry at 4pm Productive at 9pm Philosophical at 3am Existential at 5am Repeat.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Inspiration can come from anywhere.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
At every company I've worked so far, I always asked to sit next to a developer. If you're concerned about bridging…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
@CaseyNeistat they removed the signs no one knew existed.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
There's a certain irony that 50+ people design teams at big tech companies still need to hire freelancers to get t…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
"Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution." — Albert Einstein
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
The true meaning of design industry titles. You're welcome.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Senior Designer = A person who is very old and has gained a lot of experience. Which means, a person at the age of 24, apparently.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
When everyone is so obsessed with design process that we forgot to design.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Let's sync. Connect. Touch base. Circle around. Catch up. Pick some brains. Drop a note. Jump on a call. Death.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Went to see this house in Barcelona today and was impressed.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Just me or is the new Gmail design just horribly confusing for your eye? The classic one has so much more structur…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Most companies I talk to are desperately looking to hire good designers. But then, most designers I talk to are d…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
“If one only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, an…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
Has anyone added blockchain to their morning routine yet and noticed improvement in softness of their skin?
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
"Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
You're a freelance designer who is looking for new clients? Don't go to design networking events, the only people t…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
With Slack being down, productivity in thousands of companies is currently skyrocketing.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
I've worked with Photoshop and the CreativeSuite for more than 15 years now, it's hard to change a long established…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
"Good user interfaces are like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good." Stupid things desi…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
I've reviewed about 100 design portfolios today and about 70% hijacked my scrolling behavior in some way. It's incr…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
We're all so unique. →
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
The new Tianjin Binhai Library in Tianjin, China — Designed by
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
I'm almost done watching Breaking Bad and I think it's the best documentary on the American HealthCare system I've ever seen.
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelmin…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
First time I've seen these digital price tags, pretty good idea assuming prices & position of product changes frequ…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
At Square we strive to... At Facebook we care about... At Instagram we value your... At Google we aim to improve...…
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)
[If Leonardo da Vinci would live today] "Awesome painting Leo. What brush are u using? Tutorial plz!"
— vanschneider (@vanschneider)